We've known this was coming and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. Nothing. Don't you love how the government can come in and give companies permission to wreak havoc on your life and destroy your property?
The TransCanadian Keystone Pipeline is coming through our property. Oh, sure, it's been touted as supposedly going to help keep oil prices down, yadda yadda yadda. It's supposed to be a "green project."
Someone please explain to me how removing all these trees on the back of my property is a "green project?" Sure seems a whole lot more like a "Scorched earth" project to me.
You can see where the monsters with the chainsaws have started. A row of downed trees lies at the far back edge.
These trees too are on the chopping list. They provide shade and a windbreak for my horses during the summer. They will be gone. Hundreds of trees, big beautiful oaks, black walnut, elm and a variety of blooming trees will be gone.
Is somehow a "green project?" We will lose every last bit of windbreak we have. Guess which direction all the wind comes from? The horses are very well-protected from the wind by these trees. My riding area (behind Gabe's paddock) is protected from the wind so I can ride even when the wind is crazy and not be affected by the wind.
We won't be reimbursed for the lost trees. If we want to replant after the pipeline comes through it's on us. I can honestly say losing all these trees may seriously affect my desire to live here. The abundance of trees is one of the reasons I love this place so much. We are "cut off" from the rest of the world because of the trees. I can sit and watch the squirrels and the birds and other wildlife we have living there...where will they go?
And we have no choice in the matter. You can't fight the government. A city around here tried to fight the pipeline because it was planned to go through the lake the city uses as a water source. Guess who lost that fight? Guess where the pipeline will go? Straight through the lake. If the city lost, I know we'd have a snowflake's chance in hell.
Yay for government. I guess the boys with the big pockets always get what they want, don't they? And us little folks are left in the mud, literally.